To meet the company’s demands for increased growth, your relationships and contracts with customers are vital, and they often lead to complex business situations that need to be resolved. This requires employees who handling customer relationships to do so in a professional manner. One way to find new business solutions and act professionally is to have a good knowledge of negotiation techniques.

How often do you get the opportunity to practice negotiation skills? Maybe it’s time to train in an environment where you can test different aspects of negotiation and get tips on how you, as a professional negotiator, should act. You’ll get the chance during this training.

Purpose and learning objectives
The idea is that you, the seller, will gain a basic knowledge of the steps in the negotiation process which are necessary in becoming a professional negotiator. The intention is also that you will be able to plan, implement and follow up on your negotiation after the course.

Who should go?
This course is intended for people who want to understand how the sales negotiation process is structured, learn the basics and work out practical sales negotiation techniques.

Examples of content:
• Models for systematic negotiation preparation
• The link between sales strategies/purchasing strategies/ negotiation strategies
• The purchasing process vs. the sales process
• The negotiation process
• Price negotiation techniques
• Problem solving negotiations
• Deeper insights into the psychology of negotiation
• Training in practical negotiation skills
• New-customer negotiations
• Situations involving volume changes
• Price negotiations
• Compensation for increased costs


4+4 days

Contact us for a quote.



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Contact person -
Training Programs

Contact our CEO, Sigfrid Rytten, if you have questions about our training programs.

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Training Manager

Sigfrid Rytten
Phone: +46 70  511 11 08