Welcome to the master class that engages your employees
Take your business to a new level through inspiring and challenging Master Classes. Here you get specific tips and thoughts from some of the foremost and most inspiring lecturers in purchasing, sales, supply chain and leadership right now. Half or full day. Swedish or English. Perfect for kick-off, start-up for a new season, all-in meetings, program start-ups or management group meetings.

business newspaper

Purchasing Excellence

How do we create an ”purchasing machine”? Is digitizing the function key or is the broad business acumen of the entire organization the key to success? How should ”purchasing” create value internally and externally? Seminar with tips and tools on how a successful procurement organization works.

man talks with woman

Negotiation Excellence

Inspiration and rethinking about negotiation and negotiation issues where we do exercises linked to problem-solving situations. Popular and rewarding for everyone and one of our most appreciated topics that guarantees an energy boost.

people agree with each other

Winning Culture - Teambuilding

Does culture strengthen or support our business? Developing a long-term business requires creating a culture that favors it. We help you to create a consensus on how a winning culture can be formed by understanding the mechanisms, identifying the tools and systems, in order to make visible the conceptual world that builds the desired culture.

industry yellow robots

Industry 4.0 - Smart industry

How to cope with competition in the global market is the starting point for Industry 4.0. How should we, with further digitization, create the smart company that creates smart products that create smart business? Lecture and workshop on Industry 4.0

header sustainble sourcing swedish

Sustainable Supply Chain

The UN’s ”17 Sustainable Development Goals” set the future agenda for most international companies when it comes to purchasing and selling products. Our seminar ”Sustainable Supply Chain” is based on the UN’s goals and we look at why the requirements have arisen, what it will affect and how we should go about the whole Supply Chain process.

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What color do you and your colleagues have? How can we use the different colors when we meet buyers, sellers and our colleagues internally? Our personalities reflect our behavior and how we will act in different types of situations.
This seminar gives us insight into how the colors work in a fun and inspiring way. Guaranteed energy boost!

We inspire and engage in an area that is in line with your company’s future challenges. Sometimes to lighten up some heavy conference days. We bring with you a topic and several work-shops that inspire and drive the issue forward.

Start the change journey
Sometimes it is an advantage to hire an external, neutral person as a catalyst to start up a change process. We have been on change trips before, we can handle and inspire in the process. The change is often five percent inspiration and 95 percent perspiration, where it is important to sell the perspiration in an educational way.

Sell ​​the subject
We work with a number of exercises that create an understanding of the subject and create a consensus after the day. Sometimes it is such a seed for future educational efforts, which is part of the development of the company.

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Contact person -
Training Programs

Contact our CEO, Sigfrid Rytten, if you have questions about our training programs.

VD karta sigfrid rytten profilbild

Training Manager

Sigfrid Rytten
Phone: +46 70  511 11 08