This training takes cost management to the next level by reviewing the use of more useful tools. Value Analysis is the most powerful method for costoptimising a product’s design. By understanding in detail product costs, how product requirements affect cost, you can obtain valuable information for use in negotiations and cost saving decisions.
Other methods and tools under consideration are lean manufacturing, Kaizen, Initial Analysis (IA) process optimisation, Value Stream mapping etc.
Purpose and learning objectives
To provide practical tools for cost reduction activities, beyond standard analysis. This is an advanced training course for buyers and product managers who want to use structured methods to identify cost sa- vings. The methods used are effective for the purchase of products and components, but can also be applied to the purchase of services.
Target group
Technical buyers, product developers, production managers and technicians who are going to participate in cost saving projects.
Examples of content:
• Introduction and orientation of value analysis and its utility
• Cost Breakdown Analysis
• Efficiency curves
• ABC costing and overhead costs
• Project Management Tools for managing cost saving projects
• Process optimisation tools
• Advanced index calculations
• Value Stream Mapping
• Functional analysis