A prerequisite for good business is minimizing conflict created by entering into an agreement with your supplier. This training course focuses on contract law, commercial law and the Interest Act – three legal areas which are particularly important for anyone who does business.
You will study recent findings, learning how to execute accurate and secure contracts. You will also learn the commercial responsibilities and obligations of both seller and buyer. After the course, you will be more effective in your job and, above all, able to significantly reduce the risk of potentially costly disputes.
Purpose and learning objectives
The aim is to raise awareness of the latest updated commercial law. Participants will learn to carry out the Purchasing process professionally and conduct commercial negotiations effectively and confidently the- reby reducing the incidence of costly disputes.
Who should go?
You who works as a buyer or seller, plus everybody else who contracts and trades and want to deepen the knowledge of business law.
Examples of content:
• Contract law; contracts, offer and acceptance model, power of attorney and invalid contracts
• Commercial law; questions on delivery and incoterms, implication of late delivery and defective goods
• Penalty clauses; payment terms and late payment