Restart – 2023
The development of the purchasing function has, for many companies up until now, been a success. Purchasing strategies became a new area after Peter Kraljic published his matrix in the Harvard Business Review in 1983. In the 2000s, Category Management began to become more widespread as a strategic approach with a major impact. So what is the next development step for the purchasing function – the third wave?
”The CPO will be a real seller – one that can sell both internally and externally”. This is one of the future reports on procurement, Aribas Vision 2021 – Ideas for Procurement 2020 by industry-leading procurement managers. Knowing rights in the right way and in the right context becomes a key competence in purchasing, part of the third wave.
At the same time, there can be mentioned at least a couple of larger companies that have completely sonicated their purchasing functions. Because they didn’t see the value. There, the purchasing function failed to communicate its role and value. ”Purchasing – how difficult can it be?” Said the CEO at one of the companies.
At Scandinavian Purchasing Group (SPG), we have daily contact with several large and medium-sized companies’ purchasing functions. In addition to the importance of procurement organizations communicating their value, we also see other related issues where the benefit of influencing and creating credibility for procurement is average success factors.
There are many issues that a purchasing director struggles with and wants to discuss with others to get input to succeed. We have received several requests to start a qualified CPO network in Västra Götaland with ”the right height” and with questions that will affect the purchasing function in the future.
From the Invitation and the content you will find the following areas;
- What are the trends and challenges for purchasing today over the next ten-year period?
- The Board’s and CEO’s requirements for purchasing. Governance, purchasing role in the organization.
- Talent management, critical or not.
- Collaboration with colleges and universities. (sprawling theme)
- Global Purchasing Trends.
- Category management how do you succeed?
- Cost Management, cost analyzes and cost simulations.
- What are the correct Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?
- What are Purchase’s roles in risk minimization, environmental considerations and sustainability